Saturday, August 29, 2009

My European Discotech Experience... sort of..

So one of my first nights here, I had a lovely Belgian couple staying in my room at the hostel. They were super nice, super cool, and great friends. Dimitri and Daria are certainly people I will go and visit later in my European travels.

Dimitri is a house-techno dj all across Europe, and as you can expect, the man comes with everything you'd expect. He just emanates the smell of European club lover everywhere he goes. While I'd typically judge the bejesus out of this, He and Daria were just so damn nice, and fun, and kind that I decided, screw it, lets hang out and see what happens.

Well... sure enough Dimitri knows everything and everybody in Berlin, and wants to go to the Berghein (a name I have yet to properly pronounce). For those not in the know, its a world famous club. So world famous, that you get to wait in line for roughly an hour, only to be greeted by your friendly neighborhood club bouncer, who immediately escorts you right past the door, where you can do an about face and start walking back home. Cause your not getting in.

Thats exactly what we did. Marcus, Mike, and Myself (the 3 Ms... the 3 Musketeers... aaaaahhh... nope not working) were with Daria and Dimitri (the double Ds.... much better!) and snaked through this line. All Marcus could think was, "I know I probably shouldn't be saying this in Germany... but I just feel like were being herded like cattle here" as the line packed in towards the front.

Dimitri and Daria managed to get through, while the Americans were immediately pointed away, not even a "next", no verbal cue, just a finger pointing "get the fuck outta here". The universal language of rejection. Pleasant.

So we took ourselves back to the Hostel, but only after enjoying a good Dönner Kebab. A posting on these is sure to come in the future. America is missing out!!! Its like heaven touching your tongue.


  1. Many thanks for your post and Ned we're come back really soon in Berlin ;-). See you soon.

  2. i hear ya on the doner kebab. my first one afforded me a kebab stand in vienna. btws some photos would really spice up this blog...
