Saturday, August 29, 2009

Berlin's Gone Wild..

I don't know if its "gone wild" or if its always "been wild". This city is pretty nuts. You can still see the old architecture with bullet holes from WWII in it. Buildings from the 3rd Reich, Cold War, Check Point Charlie (which we'll get to in a moment) still around.

The city definitely wins the "most graffiti award". This place has graffiti everywhere! Its on the buildings, trains, sidewalks, storefronts, apartments, the wall, in your mac and cheese, its everywhere!

People here are just different - and thats perfectly fine. You got people wearing perfectly "normal" close, punks, artists, discotech (Hostels Clubs! - Sean) goers, Fannypackers (myself, obvi), all living together in this weird no-judgments society. I think the difference is that you see less "professionals" around here. Not many suits. People stay out till all hours of the night. It makes me wonder if people have jobs here. Oh wait, they don't! And neither do I! (single tear) Berlin's unemployment is high though (its like 8-9%) so I guess people just say eff it and enjoy themselves. Lots of freelancers I think.

Want to drink in the middle of the street. Sure. Want to bring a prostitute home with you? No problem (they run the BLOCK! Seriously, they own a few blocks, its frightening) and yes, they tried to solicit me (EVERYONE tries to solicit me) "Hey baby, would you like to sleep with me?" "No" "Would you like to donate money to our cause?" "No" "Would you like to save the environment?" "Goddamnit NO!" I have a "nice face" and so people think its ok to bother me? I need someone to make me look meaner? I'm thinking if I cut myself and put a good scar or too on my face, it might add some badassness. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Mac and cheese is always better with graffiti
